Ever since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, there has been an upturn of things all around the world. The self-care trends began last year but have made its way gloriously into 2021. People are more self-aware now than ever before and find ways to extend self-love at home, with tips passed on among friends and the wide web called the internet. Here are some of the beauty and wellness trends that can be seen this year.

Stress is a major cause that results in massive hair fall. In a world that was in a race to reach the top of their sectors, people forgot to take care of themselves. It is only when the lockdown began that the individuals started noticing how the texture and volume of their hair have drastically changed. Simple hair care tips have been shared since then with things available at home, like fenugreek, yogurt, etc. Since spas and beauty parlors are either closed or risky to visit, everyone has been introduced to the world of natural products and in fact, does not want to go back to chemicals!

In the social media world, we see many things that are overwhelming. Addiction and sleeplessness due to the overuse of gadgets are too common in today’s world. With the release of docudramas like a social dilemma, people are more aware of what the various online platforms are capable of doing to them when used in excess. Digital detoxes where people stay away from the internet and gadgets for a while to spend me-time are becoming more and more accepted and are being followed by the youth.

Mental peace and health are being given utmost importance in the present-day scenario. The best way to aid the mind is yoga and meditation. Most of them have started inculcating this practice as a part of their daily routine and start their day with a session of yoga. Many youtube channels provide videos on performing yoga in the right way and also provide aided meditation.

The pandemic has taken a toll on humanity both mentally and physically. In a world where people met each other almost on a daily basis, now they are rarely connected through the internet. In times like these, it is important to let out the feelings that are being built inside. Journaling helps one to not only let out the feelings but also helps one to understand things better. It stops a person from overthinking. There are many types of journaling that can be tried out; art journaling and free writing journals are some of them.

Something that almost everyone has missed out on is sleep. With building stress and almost impossible deadlines, people have forgotten how important an 8-hour sleep is. Since the lockdown, some of them had messed up their sleep cycles initially by binging Netflix or being stressed. But now many make it a point to get a full sleep before engaging in their daily activities. This has reportedly increased the mental well-being of many. In fact, good sleep ensures healthy skin and no dark circles!

Workout at home has been a trend when the gyms closed down due to CO-VID 19. But with this, there emerged a lot of FAD diets which helped in weight loss initially but resulted in a decline of health. With more knowledge being spread, people are now realizing that more than weight loss, health is important. And with this, healthier ways of intermittent fasting are being adopted. More and more natural products are being consumed.

Beauty care has been set back to almost a hundred years earlier with the use of natural products for skincare. Home-made face masks like papaya, tomato et cetera are being used. Ayurvedic products are having a boom in sales as people are being aware of the quality and benefits of the ingredients.

For gym lovers, there have been a lot of workouts posted online. A great number of them have been challenging their friends to work out too to keep themselves healthy. Influencers like Chloe Ting, Pamela Reif, and Lilly Sabri have seen an outbreak of subscribers.
2020 has been a hard year but we have all managed to overcome it. 2021 is not less of a challenge but with wellness trends emerging every now and then, we will be able to overcome all the challenges that we face.